Monday, January 24, 2011

I Love...January 23rd

I knew I'd get behind...but I didn't expect it to happen so soon!  I have had a plethora of loveliness the past few days, so here we go.

I love:

My friends and the awesome, supportive group I've managed to find.  I'm not quite sure how I managed to luck out, but I'm extremely grateful for them!

My house.  It is currently -8.3° outside (before windchill) and we're all warm and sleepy and happy inside.

My family.  We are loud and wild and there is so much LOVE!

D: That you take so much initiative with childcare.  It's not my "job" that you "help" with - you are an active participant and I KNOW I'm lucky.  A lot of guys can't handle taking care of the kids for any length of time, but you love it and know how important it is that I get some child-free time, too.  Thank you!!

B: How you amaze me every day!  You are so interested in so many cool things and I love that I get to share that with you!

M: How you love to hear our special song (that I make up a bit differently every night) before bed, but you NEVER let me sing it where anyone else can hear.  It's our secret and I love that!

L: What a clown you are!  You know how to make people laugh and you have great timing; not just for jokes, but also for when someone needs a hug.


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